Kamis, 12 Maret 2015

Simple Organizing Idea

While on my recent girls weekend, we covered lots of topics.  One topic we discussed - ways to make our busy lives easier.  Sadly, mornings are no such time in the Smith T household.  They are hectic, and rushed.  I often feel like a drill Sargeant during the process and ultimately this results in grumpy kids and creates distractions that linger through out the day for me.

Here's one of our biggest problems . . .
Just as we are walking out the door, at least one of my kids pipes up with "Where are my shoes?!"  My response, "I put them back in your closet the last time I wore them." (I know sarcasm does not help, but this is a very old and constant battle for me.  The sarcasm is a coping mechanism).

Then it's all hands on deck to find the shoes.  It goes likes this, "Can you remember what we were doing yesterday, you came in from school and had to get ready for soccer, do you remember taking them off and putting on your soccer shoes?  Where were your soccer shoes, maybe your tennis shoes are in the same place.  Did you leave them in the bathroom when you took your shower?  Maybe they're by the sofa, didn't you hang out for awhile after you had a snack and watch some TV?"  With every question, my blood pressure is rising . . .  This happens at least five days a week - sometimes it's both kids in a single morning.

What I'm about to tell you may seem obvious, but apparently not for me!  Two of my friends shared that all their children's shoes are kept right by their back door.

Yelp.  Sometimes the best ideas are very simple and obvious.  

The minute they walk in the door, their shoes come off and go straight in a basket.

They do not have any shoes in their bedrooms.

One friend said that this has dramatically cut down on the amount of dirt that gets tracked in and her floors stay clean longer.

That's a total bonus.

So, I'm not sure where have I been???!!! But, now that I know better, I'm making it happen.

Now, I just need to decide where this basket needs to live in our breakfast room (which is the room you walk into from our garage).  

Would love to hear where you store your shoes?

  Maybe I'll borrow your idea!  Have a great one. M.

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