Selasa, 07 April 2015

Collaborative Innovation — Summer 5-Week Session I

CDES: Design Studio — Collaborative Innovation
Summer Session 5-Week I
ADES 4540-501
June 8–July 3
8:30 AM–1:30 PM

In this four-week long course open to upper level undergraduate and graduate students, interdisciplinary teams will identify and solve a problem a problem presented by a non-profit organization that will ultimately manifest itself in a visual (or non-visual) expression of one form or another. Emphasis will be placed on conceptual problem solving, exploration of multiple hypotheses, creative teamwork, and the development of innovative solutions.

Students will explore and utilize a variety of processes and visual techniques that inform and guide ideation as a means to create a common language that will allow them to communicate effectively across disciplinary backgrounds. The knowledge they gain from these experiences will allow them to develop and actualize the kinds of visual solutions necessary for future programmatic and career-based success.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the class, students should be able to
1. Students will study ideational/conceptual sketching techniques and develop a common visual language of symbols from which to develop quick visual.
2. Students will work in interdisciplinary teams in order to learn and understand other methods of empathetic research, problem solving, strategic thinking and innovative planning.
3. Identify various problems in need of new solutions. The problems may be social, economic, cultural or market-based problems.
4. Identify and meet new user and business needs by designing instruments, solutions and/or communications that allow constituents from all involved groups to contribute to at least some aspects of the design decision-making process.

Student Teams:
It is my goal to create three creative teams made up of students from the following disciplines. These three teams will work collaboratively to develop their own solutions to the problem creative problem.
1. Communication Design—Graphic Design, Art Direction, Web Design
2. Interior Design
3. Fashion Design
4. Marketing
5. Anthropology
6. Radio / TV/ Film
7. And possibly Art Education depending on the client

If you are interested in the Collaborative Innovation class, send me an email by Friday, April 17 at with your:
• First and last name
• Year and program in which you are enrolled

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