Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2015

DIY Project - Intaglios

On Friday,  I gave you a teaser as to what I've been up to lately.  Last week, I finished a project I have had on my to do list for almost a year.  I did a post last fall on intaglios and was totally smitten with having some in my home.  Here are a couple of examples from Things That Inspire.

After lots of sourcing, I realized I did not have the budget for a grouping of these in my living room (the above examples are $395.00 each and I wanted at least nine of them).  So, I started doing some research and found some very affordable knockoffs.

They are not old (they are not really even intaglios), but they have the same feel and will give the same look.

Well, I bought them - the entire lot was around $32.00.  Then, they sat in my closet for almost a year.  They sat so long I started to think that my obsession with them was done.

 Until, I was in Hobby Lobby replacing a frame my son broke while playing basketball in his room with one of those miniature basketball goals.  The frame was for a lovely poster of Bo Jackson [smile] which he proudly displays for all the world to see. (I have to keep it real, and this is just one of those things boys have to have in their rooms)

Sorry to digress . . .  

Backed to Hobby Lobby . . . I turned the corner and saw a sign for %50 off all frames, so I decided to peruse the offerings.  When I saw these . . .

And the intaglios immediately came to mind.

  I thought, "These are perfect and would give the intaglios a totally different look from what I've see before.  If I could frame them, I could save a fortune.  Hmmmm.  But, I've never done something like this before.  It would have to look really high end, since I will be putting them in my living room. Hmmm.  Can I pull it off?"  So, the mental struggle continued until, Edward, from the frame shop, asked me if I needed help.  This turned into a very educational ten minutes or so of Edward telling me what I needed to pull off the look.  So, I grab the frames at $9.50 each, and most of the the other supplies I needed and came home to work on it.

Well, here's the finished product.

And my version comes in at $32.67 each!!! I am so glad I decided to try it.  There was a bit of trial and error along the way, but I am so happy with the final product.

I think it totally changes the look of my entry way. Here's the before . . .

And the after . . .

And the good news . . . Later this week, I am going to show you step by step how to make the same grouping for your own home.  I am going to show you where to get the intaglios, the supplies you will need and a step by step process of how to put the entire thing together.

And the even better news . . . I made one extra one!!  While I had all the supplies out, I decided to make a smaller version using two intaglios to give away to one lucky follower.  How's that for a Monday?
Here's a sneak peek of the one I'm giving away.
  Stay tuned tomorrow for all the details! M. 

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