Here's wishing you a wondering holiday! We are celebrating in our neighborhood with a very fun block party, and I'm looking forward to relaxing and seeing all the cute kiddos and their costumes.
To make the party fun, our neighbors all bring appetizers down to the street for the block party. I'm constantly trying to come up with something yummy but a bit unusual. I'm trying to decide what to whip up for the party. True confessions here - my appetite is directly tied to how a food looks. So, if the food is too creepy and gross my appetite goes straight out the window. Things like brains, guts, eye balls and road kill - no, no, no and no. I know this is not the case for everybody, but for me there is a fine line. I want it to be fun, but not gross.
So, here are some fun ideas that still seem yummy to me.
But what every floats your boat! Enjoy your evening - be safe. M.
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