Selasa, 28 Juli 2015

Back to it . . .

With school just around the corner, I am feeling the need to get organized.  In fact, in many ways I feel like back to school is sort of the second New Year's for me.   I find my self thinking about starting anew when the kids go back to school.  So, I'm putting together a to do list of massive proportions.   Things like - a new exercise program, completing projects around the house, parties to host, AND getting organized.

Here's one little step in the right direction.  I found this on pinterest (it's amazing what you can find there), and man o man is it appealing to my Type A tendencies.

Any guesses what this is? 

They are plastic grocery bags and a tutorial on how to fold them into this convenient little shape.  Be still my heart.  Do any of you do this?  I know most of you are taking your own bags with you to the grocery, but I actually like to have a few of these around to use for other things.  So I recycle them, but mine are not organized like this!

Hmmm. . . wonder how much I would have to pay my kids to learn how to do this and get that cabinet organized? Have a great day. M.

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