Happy end of the week! It has been one crazy (good) week for me with design plans and consults as well as all of the end of the year activities for my kiddos. I'm having trouble getting to all the posts that are swirling around in my head. So, I've decided to take a wee break from blogging just to get through the end of school with a smidge of sanity left. (smile here)
Of course, I can't leave you without something to peruse, right?
There are lots of current issues of on line magazines going live just in time for your summer plans. These are so cutting edge in the interior design world. If your are the least bit curious as to current trends, they are a must read.
First up - House of Fifty
It's their anniversary issue. It's a really fun one - even includes the sweetest editorial note from Janell's husband!
Also just out . . . Lonny Magazine
Soak it in! It's good!
And last but certainly not least
Ivy and Piper - for the other side of the world.
Now. That should keep you busy for a bit. I'll see you back here in a couple of weeks! M.
PS: I know I don't say it enough, but thank you for continuing to support me by reading this blog. I am humbled every time I look at my stats and see just how many people read all my crazy thoughts! I thank each and every one of you from my heart. Blogging is one of my favorite things in the world to do, and I am so blessed to get to share it with all of you!
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