The Interior Design Advisory Board brings together representatives from all facets of business and industry to join with educators in planning and monitoring career instruction. Our advisory board members include: Chuck Hagemeier with Gensler, Jim Kirkpatrick, AIA, Lynn Metz of Haworth Inc., Sandra Peret with HOK, Arnie Radman, Chad Rogers, Sr. Interior Designer with Duncan Miller Ullman, UNT alumnus Laura Stukel of Frito Lay, Barry Williams & UNT alumnus Zoe Powell with Williams Barry Inc , Vanessa Redman with Paul Duesing Partners, and Scott Frelick.
The continuing evolution and change of design education is a natural part of our growing profession. New technologies, interdisciplinary work structures, and specialized knowledge and certification continue to affect the skills and knowledge required of our interior design graduates. The best preparation for the future is an education jointly informed by educators and practitioners enabling our graduates to adapt to an ever-changing world.
The faculty in the Interior Design Program at UNT wants to express our deep appreciation to our advisory board for your willingness to share your time and expertise.
Photo (Clockwise from the closer table corner): Ron, Bruce, Jim, Barry, Sandra, Laura, Scott, Chuck, Zoe, Chad and Johnnie
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