Senin, 28 September 2015

Interior Design Student Alliance (IDSA) Kickoff Meeting

The Interior Design Student Alliance (IDSA) had a successful first meeting with a great student turn out on September 13th, 2012.  Guest lecturers from the professional organizations ASID, IIDA, and NEWH spoke to the students about the benefits of joining and getting more involved in the professional industry. For more information please visit the IDSA Official Facebook page.

IDSA Officers from left to right:
Adrian Cardenas (ASID President), Claire Fritchie (Hospitality Chair), Tess Hurry (IIDA President), Becky Burrus (Membership Chair), Vicki Alderink (Treasurer), Amanda Corbett (Secretary), Elizabeth Sterling (IIDA Vice President), Hanna Kim (Marketing), Geraldine Sumolang (ASID Vice President), and Gibb Thimamontri (Historian)

Presenters from professional organizations:

Robin Burrill and Marlene Smalls - ASID Speakers
Lauren Crill - IIDA Speaker
Kerry Wilson – Teknion speaker
Ron McDaniel, Elissa Murry, and Roger Mathis - NEWH Speakers

IDSA Kickoff Meeting Image

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